Behavioral Investing

Basic Concepts of Behavioral Investing

Whether you’re an individual managing your own investments or a professional fiduciary responsible for managing assets in a trust, behavioral investing habits are a serious threat to your investment management strategy.

Joint With Rights of Survivorship

Joint With Rights of Survivorship: Preventing Account Limbo

What if your loved one unexpectedly passed away and you were locked out of your banking account? Worse yet, what if the court became involved and decided that the assets you and your spouse worked so hard to acquire should belong to someone else?

Britney Spears Title Image Blog

Britney Spears’ Conservatorship: 3 Key Roles Affecting This Case

As rumors of Spears’ unhappiness in her conservatorship have gained momentum, both fiduciary professionals and those with personal connections to her have been asked to give context to her complex conservatorship—including the possible signs of abuse by her conservators.

Special needs trust and able account

Harmonizing Your Special Needs Trust and ABLE Account

When special needs individuals are dependent on a combination of public benefits and financial support from family members or caregivers, their parents or guardians are often encouraged to open ABLE accounts or special needs trusts (SNTs).

Prudent Perspective July 2021

The Prudent Perspective – Q2 2021

After closing the first half of 2021, we are beginning to get a glimpse of some of the unintended consequences that may lie ahead following the unprecedented measures taken to address a once-in-a-century pandemic.

Nguyen Vu - Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Tips: Online Financial Accounts

With global cybercrime projected to cost individuals and businesses as much as $10.5 trillion per year by 2025, cybersecurity concerns aren’t going anywhere. Your best defense is personal vigilance when it comes to your own online behavior.

The Prudent Perspective – Q1 2021

Normal is an illusion.What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. Morticia Addams Changes in the Patterns The concept of normality is